Celebrating Black History at PVAMU

Descendants of Independence Heights early pioneers attend grand opening of black history exhibit at Prairie View A&M University. Most people understnad that February marks the month to celebrate and highlight the contributions and achievements of African Americans. This February, Independence Heights historians are proud to be part of a black history exhibit highlighting the historic towns and places where African Americans have settled in Texas. For many years, the true history of Independence Heights was a little known history fact. Founded around 1905 when the Wright Land Company developed the area and sold lots to blacks, Independence Heights became the first city incorporated by Africans Americans in the State of Texas. The first deeds in the independent city were recorded in 1908 and after years of newcomers populating the area, local residents established their own independent municipality and called it, Independence Heights in 1915. After years of thriving as a seperate city in the segregated south, the residents voted to annex and join the City of Houston in 1929.

The exhibit highlights many of the details of the area and includes old photos and stories about Independence Heights residents. The exhibit also includes the stories of other historic areas including Freedmen’s Town located near downtown Houston.